So we have been pretty tied up in the debates of late. We're looking forward to next Tuesday when McCain and Obama square off again. Just one quick note from tonight's debate, which I believe went well for both VP candidates. Gov. Palin referenced a quote from Biden about Obama not being ready for the position of commander in chief. I wondered about its validity since words get twisted and such when politicians talk. But it checks out. Here's what I found: This is just one among others. Apparently, Biden wasn't a huge fav of the left to begin with. But whatever. It's done. There are several other places that report this same finding. The quote was from August of '07, which wasn't that long ago in the realm of the politcal process of finding a pres. candidate.
Dennis Miller was in normal form tonight on Leno. He had an interesting take on the candidates, both pres and VP. I'm just "enjoying my view" as I'm told to do at the end of every broadcast with Whoopi, Elizabeth, Joy, Barbara, and Sherri. Do the same. We only have 33 days left! Let the countdown begin.