Yes, it's been a while. If you've been regularly checking up on my blog, I apologize for the staleness of it lately. I have a few reasons for not being actively blogging.
First of all, the big setback was the miscarriage I had last fall. I pretty much took a nosedive from being social and had to heal for a long time before being comfortable with sharing again. It's amazing how vulnerable that experience can make a person feel. Not only because of the lack of control but because of how little it's spoken about in public and by those who have had similar experiences. It's one of those subjects we know is there but is seldom discussed in a healthy manner.
Secondly, I got pregnant again in January, and this time everything is great! I'm currently at 20 wks and 6 days. So I've especially been pretty consumed with the idea and all that goes along with it. In fact, this morning was the first time I actually could see that little baby in there moving around. Fascinating! So cool. We are not finding out the gender. And we actually missed our best opportunity to get the most accurate assessment from the sonographer last Friday. All we know and need to know is that our little baby is healthy and all the major functions of the body are in working order. So we're satisfied.
Thirdly, Monte has been pursuing a ministry to take over as his full time employment. There have been many steps in this process. It's been quite a learning period for us both. The first stage was to lay himself out there in front of those churches with openings available. Then we waited. And waited and waited and waited. So for months, nothing happened. Then, about 2 months ago he was slammed with 5 churches interested all at once. One was even for a position he did not apply for and is actually better than the one he did! So we've been interviewing and traveling some. And when it's not for a church he'll eventually work for full time, he's been playing and leading for two churches locally to help out and gain some valuable experience and some enriching mentoring in the process.
That's why. So stick close. I'll be more present with my blog from now on. I hope that this update helps some of you Amy trackers to know what's going on. Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine!