I've been perplexed lately. Politics play a huge part in American society. In fact, next to only money and religion, it's quite an emotional topic. One part of politics, especially in America, is the general assumption that our representatives act with morality in mind. Not so. In fact, most polls show that Americans now realize how out of touch our federal government truly is. Americans are living on tight budgets and are scared to enjoy they're earnings as they did in years past all due to poor choices of government over years and years of so called "service." As any good coach would say, you've got to get back to basics to become stronger. That means fundamentals.
I played lots of sports and that was always the biggest part of practice. Despite their elementary nature, they were key and MANDATORY to improve our game. When we weren't focusing on the fundamentals of the sport, our game would fall apart. It's the same principle with politics. Our country has gotten so comfy & cozy with our federal government slowly but surely creeping it's greedy and controlling fingers into our personal lives due to the supposed "benefits" we receive in return. CRAP! It's a trap and a joke. I am much more capable of taking care of myself and my family and even others in need around me than the federal government. Why, oh why, are there still thousands and thousands of charities who have to help those in need when our government claims to use our tax dollars to do so? If they do such a great job, why are charities still in such high demand? Why? It all comes down to morality. Those in power in DC don't use morality in their justification for using our tax dollars toward programs that are intended to aid those in need. The basis of these programs sounds awesome and so helpful; yet the government has proven over and over again that more revenue and more power only breeds its own. More power and money = more government positions, reelection emphases overshadowing the people's needs, and more distance between the minds of representatives and the public. It's been repeated time and time again. Moral restraint is not practiced across the board in our economy or in DC. The rhetoric claims that morality is the basis on which they propose and legislate. However, Americans have gotten wise to their double talk. Our president speaks from both sides of his mouth on a regular basis, as well as Pelosi, Michelle, and the rest. And that isn't just Democrats I speak of. There are plenty of Republicans who do the same. My main beef with the Obamas right now is that they live lavishly and spend exuberantly even though they both speak of the "hard times" we're all facing and how we all have to "tighten our belts." That's hardly been lived out by our leaders. I haven't heard of one super wealthy representative resign his/her salary and pension. Most people in the House & Senate DON'T need to be paid. Many are independently wealthy. The two Democratic leaders are both extremely wealthy and still use our tax dollars to subsist in DC. Pelosi flies around on military jets on personal business and puts it on our tab. Are they living out what they've been preaching? No! It all boils down to morality. They are deluded with their sense of self and entitlement for their "service." If they truly want to be a public servant, they need to quit allowing themselves to be pampered. They live lavishly and then over promise meeting needs and wants of Americans just to get reelected. It's all bogus.
When you need to get down to basics, you have to go back to the very beginning at square one, so to speak. For America, it's the founding documents, which clearly state the LIMITED role of government. We have strayed so far from the basics, which were brilliantly compiled by those who were truly oppressed by their government. It's a shame that we choose not to learn from history. So many other countries have been ruled the way ours is trying (without direct mention but with subtle, deliberate action) that have fallen or are truly broken. Why would we allow our great nation that is based on true freedom to crumble under the guise of receiving "benefits" from our federal government? Again, it's a trap. True freedom means they can't tell me what to do and that I'm responsible for my actions, which includes caring for my own and myself.
The federal government in the US has now started attacks on free speech that share opinions other than those of the current administration. Now that is NOT an attribute of a free country. Freedom of speech means freedom of speech no matter what is said. If you don't like it, don't listen. Simple. It's your choice. It's called freedom. If you don't want your kids to eat McDonald's, tell them no. It's your choice. It's not anyone else's fault when YOU make a CHOICE. I can't say this enough. Our society has gotten so used to passing blame and getting lawsuit happy. True freedom means personal responsibility. It's a moral principle that was infused into our documents for good reason. Our leaders took human nature into account when designing our great Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and Constitution. They knew what would inspire individuals to greatness in spite of their shortcomings. Morality was to overcome those. And our country has allowed for great strides in moral accomplishment and personal freedom - abolition of slavery, minorities as equals, etc. However, our government started to get a bit too extravagant in its attempt to appease the masses and started a huge decline opposite of morality & personal freedom - abortion, social security, income taxes, prohibition, etc. All of these are under the guise of "it's your right" to have (fill in the blank) or it's the government's responsibility to (fill in the blank). No, it's your right to choose to do it for yourself if you want it. The only rights we are guaranteed in our founding documents are the right to life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness along with the rights to bear arms, speak freely, practice religion, and so on. There are no rights to not be offended, have any of your bills paid, or have a job. Yet, organizations out there are super touchy on suing anyone who steps on toes to make a scene and get publicity without taking the responsible and moral stance to forgive and/or ignore. I don't like offensive words, but every American has the right to say them no matter what. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it deserves to be legislated against. Grow up!
Morality and personal freedom have to be in a great balance for our country to be at peace. However, immorality is praised and rewarded with millions. The government so graciously gave us the "right" to terminate a pregnancy even though our First Lady wants to be able to tell us what we can and can't feed our kids. I'm sorry. That's a perfect example of morality and personal freedom not being in balance. It's quite a delicate balance, too. If you've ever been exposed to the pain of a woman who has experienced an abortion and is contemplating suicide for her choice, you would think much, much differently about this "right." It's a selfish and savage right that only puts a bandaid on the lack of personal respobsibilty and morality that should have been taught. I have spoken to several women who are in a very hard situation due to unwanted/unplanned pregnancies. Abortion never cures the problems. In most cases, it just compounds them and leaves a woman broken and confused. It's amazing the gratitude of a woman who could think of no other option but abortion for her specific situation who was enlightened with factual scientific and medical information, as well as a loving and warm welcome despite her choices, once her baby is born. The payoff of a hard choice is blissful. It's not an easy road but so worth it. Why do we push the "right" to terminate instead of the right to be informed of all the options? It's approached from a terribly political perspective and not one from a moral sense of freedom.
That was just an example that is a soapbox of mine. I know, I know. You've heard it before. The gist of my rant is that if we don't teach each child to be responsible and reteach each adult who can't seem to live responsibly as opposed to just pushing rights and entitlements, our country will descend to a selfishly motivated sespool of "rights" with nothing to show for it but millions of discontent and whining babies regardless of age. It all starts at home and in your personal choices. I'm aiming to do my part. I hope you are, too! Our country depends on it.