Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Week 28

So pregnancy for me is now in the home stretch. I still feel pretty great. I'm sure I will be tilting ever closer to the uncomfortable mark day after day. But you can always pray with me that it doesn't happen that way. I wouldn't mind the extra boost.

So many things to think about and plan and wonder. Luckily, since I'm in a state of peace about motherhood and the whole labor and delivery scenario, I don't have any wild fears or apprehensions to deal with at the moment. I was speaking to a group of high risk teens at a camp close by last Friday. One gal asked me, "Are you going to push that baby out?" I just smiled and told her, "Not right now. But whenever Baby decides to come I'll have to or else have a C-section." She had a look of fear mixed with awe on her face. I bet she is 13 or so. I hope that idea of pushing out a baby will help her to make wise and healthy choices during her teens and young adult years.

I also went to a breastfeeding workshop last night. That was good. A doula was there to explain her services if any of us ladies would like to employ her. I was pretty impressed. And her rates weren't bad at all for all that she commits to doing. She had this interesting "dilation chart" visual aid that she uses to help women progress in labor mentally to employ their bodies to progress as well. It was simple squares of thin, colored foam (the flexible kind) that had different sizes of dilation - 1cm all the way to 10 cm - cut out. I told her I needed one for my sex ed classes. That would be quite the visual aid.

We still have no idea on a girl name though. I thought about Gracie. Any thoughts? I don't know. Edie sounds good too. We'll see, I guess. And Monte and I will be getting photographed, thanks to Allyson Neely, here in 3.5 weeks or so to have some visual memories of later pregnancy. I am blessed so far not to have any stretch marks yet and hope that it will not happen at all, especially before the pictures are taken.

We've also been very blessed to get baby furniture passed down to us, as well as quite a bit of gender neutral clothing - onesies, sleepers, etc. We will not have to purchase quite a few of the big items either - stroller, swing, bouncer, etc. Yay! I'm tellin' ya. The less ridiculous you are about getting everything just perfect long before baby arrives the more God has an opportunity to bless you. He definitely will provide. In every way. Stay faithful and take a deep breath. Life is good with God in control.

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